Seasonal storytelling, theater, folk art, music and dance.
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Mustmeg an Appalachian Folk Tale

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Theater, storytelling, folk art, folk dance and fun for all the seasons!

Colorful multicultural tales celebrating Spring, Fall, Winter and Summer........ with dance, music, masks, props, puppets and more.

A little greeman is welcomed by his beautiful May friends.

The green spirit from Native American folk lore.

Spring storytelling with Ruthanne at the May Day Fairy fest on the grounds of Spoutwood Farms. A festival not to miss!

The May Day girls...written by Ruthanne. We dressed up in our Spring dresses and made May Day baskets. What fun!

Ruthanne with giant puppets created for Lenape tales perfomed for the educational progam at the Philadelphia Zoo.

Ruthanne with one of the colorful Aztec Gods.

Garland dancing in our wings.

More garland dancing at Fairie Fest. Three days of enchanting entertainment!

This big Greenman makes a visit to the fairy fest too!

Practicing for a big dance around the Maypole. What fun!

A Russian folk tale ...with little woodland spirits!

Fall Jack tales at Wilmington Friends. What a great cast!

We made this colorful bird masks and performed bird tales from all around the world. Said good bye to the birds before they flew off to warm climates to escape the cold winter.

Mollie Whuppie. A great tale from the wonderful collection of Appalachian Jack Tales. We performed this folk tale for a harvest event and then did some square dancing!

Inuit storytelling masks for many seasons.

A cast of super cute witches!

Ruthanne teaching the witch dance to a wonderful group of cute witches.

Ruthanne teaching a harvest dance at NOMAD festival.

Celebrating Day of the Dead (Skull mask)....we ate up all the sugar skulls in a matter of seconds! This was the only skull left.

Scarecrow spirits. Oh, some are naughty, some silly and some a little scary. Each had a story to tell!

Harvest goddess getting her makeup.

Junior mummers performing a Christmas play with dance, music and much merriment!

An Appalachian Jack tale, with old fashion mumming for the Christmas season!

St. George asks for a sword dance and he certainly does get one!

St. George and the Dragon performed at St. Edmond's Academy. Ruthanne did an adaptation of this classic mummers play. (Mummers costumes by Ruthanne.)

Molly taking charge of Happy Jack and dancers.'s the dragon! Help us St. George!

The Fool....well fooling around with the princess and Molly!

The queen begging for help. "Someone has to save us from this evil dragon."

Ruthanne taught the boys of St. Edmond's some Morris Dancing. We had a great time.