Stories, theater, native dance, masks, puppetry and colorful visual art created by students. Visual artists and theater artists collaborated on works inspired by many museum works.
Rainbow Crow ( Lenape Tale) inspired by many nature related paintings, photographs and sculpture.
Coyote and two of our colorful rainbow crows. Coyote is leader of the animals. He has gathered the animals together to ask who will be brave enough to travel to the great creator and ask him to make the snow stop.
Our first rehearsal and everyone is wowed by the shadow images they have created.
Moose, crow and racoon.
Shadow puppets created by students.
Each student created a head mask for their animal character and a shadow puppet for their character.
Woodland scenery was created by all the students. We used a large shadow puppetry screen.
Rainbow Crow tells the group of animals she is brave and she will make the very long trip insearch of the great creator.
Rainbow crow listens as owl complains of the cold and snow. Owl is scared and very cold!
Students were fascinated with shadow pupperty, images and lighting.
Maya was a beautiful and very energetic rainbow crow.
Village totem poles created by students.
Playful shadow images.
Ruthanne will be busy this summer creating more colorful theater pieces and collaborating with the visual artists.